The underground of palace 18 witnessed the inauguration of the entitled academic exhibition “resistant outfits for eternal generation “
A sort of a historical research portraying the diversity of the traditional clothes through the most famous Algerian, historical, emblematic personalities that represent resistance as an era,such as : El emir Abdelkader ,Amoud el Mokhtar ,Chikh Bouziane , Lala Fatma Nsooumer and Ahmed Bey , those personalities are represented by traditional costumes worn during the period of resistance and the liberation war as well ,particularly by the knight as a warrior. In addition to that, the exhibition is equipped with weaving workshops known by “ERGGAM” and translated panels from Arabic to English showing up the different types and characteristics of the traditional outfits that represent the Algerian heritage. This exhibition was the first initiative as an experience, organized for the first time with a festival that lasted more than six months. Furthermore, the masculine traditional clothes worn and dressed by leaders revolutionaries of the resistance like: El Bernous and El Qashabiya.
Whereas el Melhfa as a feminine dress kabylian or shawi worn and adorned with various jewelry and accessories during the period of resistance representing a major importance among the traditional outfits that resisted during the colonial era. The exhibition contains the traditional dress of the emblematic historical personality el Emir Abdelkader known by el Bernous in red as a color and embroidered with coarse threads made of silver.
This exhibition aims to convey a message to the French colonialism, about the importance and the role of the traditional clothing, in the preservation of the heritage and the national identity for the future generation.